Hansel and Gretel
Week 11: November 1- 10
and Gretel

differences within the story is the stepmother within the Grimm’s version convinces
her husband to take Hansel and Gretel to woods and attempts to leave them two
different times. The second attempt worked, and the children were then captured
by the witch. Within the MGM version the stepmother is their mother and she send
the children to the woods to collect berries for dinner since they had let the
donkey in the house and he then ate their dinner. From being sent into the woods
they accidentally get lost in the woods. Another major difference is the ending
while somethings are the same most has been changed. Gretel takes the witches
staff and does a spell to switch the places of Hansel and the witch, he was
about to be crushed by a machine so then the witch died. Once, she died the
gingerbread people outside the house turn into children and the father finds
them and returns them all to safety. Within the Grimm’s version Gretel does
kill the witch but she pushes her into the
oven and shuts the door, from then the children ride a duck across a river and
after a month since they first were left they make it back home.
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