Week 13: November 18-22

                                                                Rapunzel? Is That You?

This cartoon has a great use of problems everyone must deal with. Including paying taxes and dealing with the government along with insurance companies in general. I picked this cartoon because of its humor with multiple fairy tales and how they can use a play of words to create humor out of something most dread. It uses the three little pigs with wanting a new home again because of the big bad wolf blowing it down, along with Peter Pan not wanting to pay taxes at all due to him never growing old, and with the Seven Dwarfs not able to do a short form. Lastly, the cartoon uses Rapunzel and how they wont have time to get her processed but that doesn’t matter because she loves using “extensions” this play of words touches on getting more time for something and the actual hair extension where people can use them to make their hair longer.
Rapunzel’s falcon is her magical, extremely long, hair and how it can heal and make people younger. Disney’s version “Tangled” demonstrates Rapunzel with beautiful long hair as well as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and their version “Rapunzel”. The comic itself doesn’t really represent the Rapunzel story too much except for the very end but I loved the use of the other comics. There’s not too many comics that can use four different fairy tales and use them in a way every adult can relate to.


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