Week 2: September 2-6

What Is Fact What Is Fiction?

The film “The Brothers Grimm” directed by Terry Gilliam is easily misinterpreted for how Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm acted and what they did in real life. Within the movie the brothers are dysfunctional schemers with two random sidekicks who go through towns putting on shows that convince residents they are getting rid of demons. Through the many bars it is shown Wilhelm is cynical, outgoing, and enthusiastic; while Jacob is sensitive, reserved, and timid. While the brothers were schemers, they did within the movie search for fairy tales which is about the only thing the brothers did in real life.

According to the text “The Brothers Grimm” by Zipes who within the book tells readers what the brothers did and how they are so significant to history. The brothers did not go around through town to town scheming innocent people for money, they worked extremely hard to support their family especially once their parents died. Due to their father’s death happening when Wilhelm and Jacob were younger the boys grew very close to one another and had to mature very quickly. Due to their early maturity they wanted to make their family proud, so they focused on school while their peers partied. After college the brothers became professors and published tales that they collected to continue German history.
With the text “The Brothers Grimm” by Zipes readers can conclude that almost everything within the film “The Brothers Grimm” directed by Terry Gilliam is fiction. Jacob and Wilhelm’s personalities are completely opposite, you wouldn’t find the brothers at a party or bar because they weren’t interested, and Wilhelm had quite a bit of medical issues that almost killed him when they were in college. The brothers also were primarily professor’s most of their career while they published books. Anyone looking to learn about the Grimm brothers should not watch the movie since Gilliam primarily made it a good movie and not actually about the brother’s lives.   


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